Tyler Ray

American tenor Tyler Ray is in demand both nationally and internationally as a soloist and ensemble singer performing a wide range of repertoire spanning from medieval repertoire to world premiers.

A native of Wichita, KS, Tyler holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music from Friends University. In 2014 Tyler was one of four singers accepted to the prestigious Yale Voxtet program where he earned his Masters degree in Voice: Early Music, Art Song and Oratorio from the Yale School of Music and Yale Institute of Sacred Music.

Solo performance highlights from past seasons include Handel’s Messiah with the Charleston Symphony Orchestra, Handel’s Messiah and Bach’s St. Matthew Passion (evangelist) with the Messiah Festival of the Arts, Handel’s Messiah with the American Baroque Orchestra, Monteverdi’s Vespers of 1610 with Yale Schola Cantorum under the baton of David Hill, Bach’s Christmas Oratorio with Yale Camerata, Bach’s Missa in G minor conducted by Masaaki Suzuki, Arvo Pärt’s Passio (Pilate) with Yale Schola Cantorum, Bach’s BWV 10 conducted by Matthew Halls, Stravinsky’s Les Noces with Yale Camerata, and Haydn’s Creation (Uriel) conducted by Jeff Douma.

An avid chamber musician, Tyler has sung with numerous professional ensembles in the United States, including GRAMMY nominated Seraphic Fire, Clarion Choir, Santa Fe Desert Chorale, The Thirteen, Spire Chamber Ensemble and Kinnara Ensemble.

Tyler currently resides in Bergen, Norway and sings first tenor in Bergen’s professional vocal octet Edvard Grieg Kor. While still remaining active as a soloist and ensemble singer, Tyler maintains a busy teaching schedule, giving private voice lessons as well as masterclasses to various choirs in Bergen.

Beth Beauchamp