Following a decade of groundbreaking musical achievement and artistic accomplishment, The Thirteen has launched a fundraising campaign to lay the groundwork for our next stage of growth.

In addition to strengthening our management structure and providing more appropriate compensation for our peerless musicians, the campaign will support ambitious new artistic endeavors such as multimedia and staged presentations, adding instruments for major projects, and commissioning original works for The Thirteen.

Growing our organizational team and increasing funding for new and significant artistic innovation will allow us to further build our diverse musician and audience presence, to increase access to our unparalleled performances, and to achieve a competitive edge for Grammy and other award nominations.

The Building for Tomorrow campaign is an opportunity for those who believe in The Thirteen, and in our commitment to artistic excellence, to lead in this growth. We hope you will choose to give to this campaign in a significant and transformative way in addition to your generous annual support.

The Thirteen appreciates a donation of any size for our Building for Tomorrow campaign, but we ask our donors to think generously with these milestones in mind:

  • $100,000+ Founder

  • $75,000 Trailblazer

  • $50,000 Architect

  • $25,000 Innovator

  • $10,000 Leader

  • $5,000 Pioneer

  • $1,000 Supporter​

Gifts of $1,000 or more will be acknowledged in programs for at least three years. Pledges will be acknowledged in programs for the full value of the pledge after 1/3 of the pledge is paid. Acknowledgement will begin after January 1, 2022.


  • Make a one-time donation on top of your annual gift.

  • Make a three-year pledge to be paid by December 31, 2024 in addition to your annual giving.

The Thirteen gratefully accepts the following payment options for gifts to the Building for Tomorrow Campaign:

  • Check: please write “Building for Tomorrow” in the memo line or email us at for assistance.

  • Credit Card: please email us at

  • Make a Gift of Stock: please inform us of your intent to give, as privacy laws prevent brokerage firms from sharing your name with us. Please email to coordinate between your financial advisor and our brokerage account.

  • Through your Family Foundation or Donor Advised Fund. Below is some of the information you or your Foundation Administrator may need to issue a gift to our organization. Please email us at so that we can expect the gift.

  • IRA Charitable Rollover: Donors age 73 and older may benefit from making a gift through their IRA. Below is some of the information you may need to make your qualified distribution to The Thirteen. For further assistance, contact us for a sample letter to give to your IRA Administrator. Please remember to let your administrator know to include your name when they distribute the contribution so we may recognize your generosity.

J. Penny Clark
Walter Hill & Cheryl Naulty

Charles Cerf & Cindy Dunbar
Margaret Colgate Love

Sue Berryman

Peter Buscemi & Judith Miller
Heidi Byrnes
Joan & Chip Filson
Martha Harris
Felix & Chryss Hernandez
Bruce Rosenblum & Lori Laitman
Matthew & Jacqueline Robertson
Phyllis Bryn-Julson & Donald Sutherland
John Wiecking

Norma Dugger
William Eaton
Sara Fein
Christopher Hoh & Daniel Elmer
Clint & Missy Kelly
Lisa Koehler
John & Kate Stevenson

Wendy Fibison
Sherman & Maureen Katz
Karen Pettigrew
in memory of Hugh. M Pettigrew
Alice Coleman Schelling
David Smith
Patricia Stocker
John & Joan Westley

James & Sarah Coakley 
Joyce Korvick