David Dickey

David Dickey, a native of Bowie, Maryland, is a historical wind player and vocalist born into a long line of professional musicians. A graduate of The Juilliard Historical Performance Program, he is a recipient of the Norman Benzaquen Career Advancement Grant and a fellowship from The English Concert in America. He currently serves as principal oboist of Boston Baroque and is a member of Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra and Chorale. David also appears frequently with Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra, The Handel and Haydn Society, The English Concert, Trinity Baroque Orchestra at Wall Street and The Mercury Chamber Orchestra . Dickey, a countertenor, has recently sung with ARTEK, St. Thomas Church Fifth Avenue Choir of Men and Boys, and Concordian Dawn, a NYC-based medieval ensemble. He was recently featured on an album with The English Concert in their recording of Handel’s Serse, as well as Concordian Dawn’s debut album Fortuna Antiqua et Ultra.

Gilbert Spencer